Coconut oil hair conditioner

Increases softness, reduces stickiness, helps prevent 60% of the causes of hair loss, increases hair density and makes hair visible.

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Coconut Oil Hair Conditioner

Grapefruit peel essential oil synergizes with advanced active ingredients including Vitamin B5, Xylishine, Baicapil and Bisabolol to help reduce breakage and enhance hair growth.

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BRAND philosophy

As nature lovers and passionate about exploring Vietnam’s endemic raw materials, we are always steadfast in our philosophies on the journey to find the true beauty of the skin.


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Certified by International Organizations

 Good Manufacturing Practice

Food And Drug Administration



“Vietnamese soul in a bottle”

We write the story of Vietnam’s endemic fruits and flowers, very familiar and familiar from their names, scents and the land of their origin.

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 @ Latest articles :

Customers before and after using the product :

” Kamiha – Coconut oil hair conditioner product helps fill hair and accelerate hair growth “

” Kamiha – Coconut oil hair conditioner product helps fill hair and accelerate hair growth “